about us

Operational since 1984, the company name has changed several times. We’ve been MPLLC, Inc. since November 2, 2021. We offer a free 30-minute consultation.

Project Management

For-profit businesses. Projects are customized based on the need(s) of owners/managers. Basic projects:

  • “Business Administration” is essential. Unfortunately, owners/managers sometimes contract this task to an outside entity. MPLLC trains client/client employee to perform key tasks that result in computerized bookkeeping, payroll, accurate financial statements, and business taxes filed on time, saving the business owner thousands of dollars.
  • “Business Loan” acquisition is complex when there are no records. We address the credit, collateral, cashflow, capacity, and character of the owner(s) and make suggestions, asks questions, provide technical assistance, and the results include improved business operations and a “bankable” business plan with 5-Year Integrated Financials.
  • “Bidding and Estimating Jobs” is another basic project that helps owners make profit on each job.

There are many other projects MPLLC may customize for you, including special events.

Program Management

Non-profit organizations are “more than a notion,” says MPLLC’s owner. Starting, growing, and maintaining a non-profit organization takes a focused effort.

  • MPLLC trains non-profit board members to understand their role and make the right decisions that lead to organizational development. 
  • Customize program management designed for (1) board members, (2) non-profit managers, and (3) non-profit staff are offered as businesscamps.

Results include customized programs that benefit communities.

Product Management

Various kinds of products may be purchased on this site.

  • How does agricultural produce relate to MPLLC? MPLLC “manages” a FARM that grows produce.
  • Agricultural produce may be used to “manufacture” other goods such as jellies, jams, juices, candies, etc. or products such as nuts, fruit, vegetables, etc. will be posted. Come back for updates.
  • Products may be crafted. See actual photos of our “microwave mitt” manufactured by MPLLC. The microwave mitts (great gifts) are available in various cotton prints. Come back to the site for updates.
  • Products such as webinars and video recordings of businesscamp may be purchased on this page. We encourage clients to attend virtually, or in person; However, when a client misses a businesscamp, we may make it available as a link, or a video on this “Products” page.  
  • Click on the specific product to determine if it’s available. Send an email to inquire.

To register in advance for businesscamps, click the businesscamps page above.

Property Management

A property may be owned by MPLLC or a client. 

  • Network of contractors for lawn maintenance, construction, pest control, 
  • Collection of Rent/Lease Payments and Payment of Property Expenses, 
  • Residential, commercial, or agricultural properties.

Results include fewer empty homes/buildings, and passive income for owners.

Get Your Free Consultation

Get a free 30 minute consultation now. This consultation will help us help you and make sure that you are getting what you really need.